
In an effort to be better stewards, we are changing our online giving providers. Check below for more information.

Every week, we have the privilege of bringing our tithes and offerings as an act of worship to God. Thank you for your continued giving in these difficult days.

There are three ways to give.

  • Give in person in the offering plate at the back of the church auditorium.
  • Mail a check to Belton Nazarene Church, PO Box 596, Belton, TX 76513
  • Online: Use the link below to give by debit card through our secure website.

Thank you, in advance, for giving to the Kingdom of God.

With our current provider, every time a donation is made about 2-3% of that give is lost to processing fees. By making this switch to a new provider, those amounts will stay with our church and be used for ministry.

  • Our new provider, Nucleus, is already up on the website. You can click on the plus sign in the bottom, right corner of the church website, create an account, and begin giving.
  • Our current provider, EasyTithe, is still available on the website. If you have a recurring gift, you will want to create an account with Nucleus, then cancel your recurring gift on EasyTithe (link on this page) and create a new recurring contribution on Nucleus. Don’t worry! We’ll warn you before EasyTithe goes away.
  • If you have questions or need help in setting up a Nucleus, please contact one of the pastoral staff.

encouraging everybody to live like Jesus every day