Mike Sapp, Associate Pastor

Welcome, Friends!

You may have noticed I used the word, “Friends” in my greeting.

Why you ask? It has a way of tearing down the walls of unfamiliarity. A place where there are no strangers. Kind of like coming in to the church for the first time.

  • We want you to feel like you belong, not as a distant stranger in passing.
  • We want you to feel like an honored guest, and not just a visitor.
  • This is what we hope you sense upon your visit.

Let me introduce myself. Pastor Mike is the name. I have been on staff at Belton for nine years as associate pastor, and prior to that I served at Killeen Church.

While I was stationed at Ft. Hood, I attended Belton Church and met my wife Sharon there. We have two adult children, and five beautiful grandchildren, all of whom live in Central Texas.

Sharon and I accepted the call God placed on our lives during our mid-life. While in the prime of our lives with our careers, sensing what we know to be God’s voice, we left our jobs, sold our home, left friends and family, and said Yes to the Lord to attend Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, seeking a degree in Pastoral Ministries. It was a new chapter and a new beginning for us.

A real friend isn’t just a companion, but is someone who helps us become a better person. That is the kind of friend Jesus Christ wants to be for us, and the kind of friend He intends for us to be for one another.

Building friendships together,
Pastor Mike

encouraging everybody to live like Jesus every day