In the Upper Room

In the Upper Room

Jesus overcomes obstacles to impart His peace, His presence, and His mission. That Sunday evening, the First Easter, the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! How? Is it possible Jesus has new abilities in his resurrected body? regular people learning…

Good Friday Service

Good Friday Service

April 15, 6: 30 pm Join us as we take time to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus. To really be ready to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, we need to dedicate some time to reflect on the sacrifice He made for everyone. We will remember the story together through Scripture reading and songs. Candles…

These 40 Days: Week 5
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These 40 Days: Week 5

Hebrew Communion I’m still reveling in our worship service this past Sunday! “Breaking the Matzo” Thanks to Melissa Mirick for helping us with announcements this week. It’s always great to have a different voice letting us know what’s going on. And we had more people worshiping with us than we have in a couple of years….